Blog tasks: The Times - Language and Representations


1) What is the main story on the front cover of the Times CSP edition and why does it appeal to Times readers?
social, cultural and political significance.

2) List the other news stories and kickers on the front page of the Times CSP edition. Why do you think the Times selected these for the front page?
 through the layout and presentation of the product.

3) What is the main story on the inside page of the Times CSP edition and how is it constructed to appeal to Times readers? 

4) How are the Times front and inside pages designed to reflect broadsheet newspaper conventions?
Mast-head, splash, stand first, by-line and off lead

5) What does a close analysis of the news stories in the Times CSP edition suggest about the Times's political beliefs?
The Times and The Sunday Times, which do not share editorial staff, were founded independently and have had common ownership only since 1966.


1) What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the main story on the front page?
the government on this front page, this story cut across political divides with many members of the Conservative party as well as Labour.

2) What representations of Britain can be found on the front of the Times?

3) How are the super rich represented on the Times front page?
The editors estimate subjects' wealth from a range of public information, based on values in January each year

4) How is climate change represented as an issue in the Times? Are there similarities or differences with how it is represented in the Daily Mirror?
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of our times. Climate change is already happening: temperatures are rising, droughts.

5) What representations can you find in the inside pages of the Times CSP? Focus on headlines, articles and images. 
The mode of address is serious and formal. 


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