statement of intent

Introduction [approximately 50 words]

• Title: What will your new lifestyle magazine be called?

 Motor authority

• Cover image: who will appear on the cover? 

A teacher will be on the front cover

• Main feature: what will your main story and double page feature be about?

It will be about luxury cars, why you buy them here and the upgrades.

Media Language [approximately 100 words]

• Magazine cover conventions: what cover lines, font/typography, colour scheme and more will you use for your magazine and why? 

My font for the magazine will be Lamborghinis and Ferraris and other cars.

• Cover image: how will you use mise-en-scene to communicate meanings in your main cover? image (e.g. setting, costume and make-up, expression etc.)

That the person will wear a suit to be smart in the front cover

• Double page spread feature: what will your feature be about and why would it appeal to your target audience?

My feature for my magazine will be showing the luxury cars on the magazine to make the people want to buy it.

Media Representations [approximately 100 words]

• What representations of people, places and groups will you create in your magazine? E.g. gender, race/ethnicity, social class etc.  

That different people can buy the cars they want.

• How will your magazine reinforce or challenge stereotypes? 

That the cars will have upgrades to make it safe to drive

Media Audiences [approximately 100 words]

• Your target audience is specified in the brief: NRS social grades AB – this means rich and successful people. Expand on this audience: demographics – gender, age, race/ethnicity, where they live etc. Psychographic details – which psychographic groups would they fit into?

That the target audience will be towards rich people to buy the luxury cars. 

What other media would your audience enjoy? How will your magazine target this specific audience? E.g. through design or selection of stories/cover lines.

• What audience pleasures will your production offer? Apply theory here too (e.g. Blumler and Katz Uses & Gratifications theory).

statement of intent paragraph

How will you use media language and media representations in order to create your product and meet the requirements of the brief and the needs of the target audience? (Maximum 300 words.)

In my magazine, I intend to add a front cover in which a car dealership business man is wearing a suit and looking very smart in the picture. I will name my magazine "Drive" and it will be about luxury car company being held accountable for copy-right laws.

I will add fonts to the luxury car magazine cover which will be mainly La Macchina and Ferrari Rosso Regular. There will be images of expensive luxury cars such as, Lamborghini, Ferrari etc. The model will wear a business suit which will attract the "target audience" - wealthy people. Furthermore, I will also add images for my double spread to show the different types of  luxury cars in different colours. This will add "encoded" meaning to my magazine cover as the bright colours used will reflect on passion and wealth. I will make sure to show the writing is prominent to emphasise the "ethos" of the magazine; with this I intend for people to purchase it. 

In my luxury car magazine, there will be a page talking about the upgrades of various luxury cars to make sure it is safe to drive for different age ranges. There will be some challenging stereotypes like big cars move slower or cars will have multiple buttons to use in the car. That my front cover person will represent a Asian ethnic community to buy the cars. My front cover person is the first successful person in Europe so far. The car owner will be a Asian person so it will attract more people that are Asian to the business.

The ethnicity/race will include people that are from countries that are Asian. I chose Asian people because the car owner that is on the front page is a Asian person in Europe that is selling cars. This will challenge stereotypes because Asian people are under represented in the car industry.

My target audience will be wealthy people and the age of them should be 17 to 40. The gender of people who can buy them will be females and males. The education you need to start driving is driving lessons so you can drive the car that you want to buy. Readers of this magazine would receive  surveillance and personal identity input (Blumer and Katz) as this product is aimed at an AB social grade audience.


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